Monday, December 11, 2006

Lighthouse Symbolism

On my wall at home is a picture of a lighthouse situated on a rocky island in the middle of a turbulent sea. For years this picture has spoken to me on some level but I couldn't really put my finger on what it was. But after recent events, I'm beginning to piece together the symbolic meaning of the lighthouse to me. Every time I see one in a picture, something inside me stirs and takes notice. I know, I know, I see all these old ladies at the craft fairs with all the lighthouse paraphenalia and it's easy to associate the attraction toward lighthouses with these folks. But, for me it is a little different.

In this photo above, I am the lighthouse. My beam represents my reaching out and searching for the love I craved for so many years. The empty sailboat represents the past and the lost loves of the past. The moonbeam is the threshold - the changing point separating the past life and losses from the present. The present is full of hope and promise - smooth seas and a bright sky. The lighted ship on the side of the lighthouse, represents the love of my life. She is a sturdy ship - full of life and light. But she is searching too. Searching for that beacon that pulls her into the love she has longed for. She is the Femme and the lighthouse is the Butch. Both know that soon the connection will be made - the beam of light will land on the Femme and capture her heart and pull her into the safe harbor. Look at how close they are at this point! The inevitable dance is within sight and they both sense it and reach for it.


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