Thursday, December 07, 2006

The first snow

(This isn't a pic I took, but it's an image I found that looks like the area around me right now.)

I looked out the window because the glow around the edges of the blind seemed brighter than normal. Surprise! The first snow fell in central Indiana last night. It wasn't a big accumulation - less than an inch, but it did give that early morning glow we see with the moon reflecting off the snow.

Guess I should have watched the weather last night. The commute to work was a hassle. Took me an hour when it normally takes me 20 minutes. The roads were icy under the snow and a little treacherous.

Am battling another in my life long history of sinus infections. UGH! All I want to do is sleep and blow my nose.

Still re-reading Stone Butch Blues. Am at the part where Jess moves to New York city. No matter how many times I read this book, I find something different each time that I missed before. I guess that's the way it is with any good book or good movie that we enjoy for a second time. Heck it's even that way with femmes! :-)

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