Thursday, February 08, 2007

Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday ole man! I look back on your life and can't help but wonder how the world has changed since your birth. Oh the things you have seen, the stories you could tell.

Has it really been 42 years since we last spoke? Time flies, doesn't it.

I suppose you know that life turned out differently for me than you probably ever would have imagined it would. That is not to say it is a bad thing. I am happy with myself and like the person I have become. Boy, there have been so many times when I wished you could have been there! Maybe it would have been easier, maybe not. But I choose to think that you and I would have developed a great relationship and got along swimmingly.

One thing is for sure. I wouldn't have endured that mental and physical abuse I experienced from the "evil one" had you been around. Don't feel badly. It wasn't your fault that it happened. He is just a twisted, sick fucker and I was the unfortunate recipient of his psychotic behavior. The bad thing is, if it hadn't been me as the victim, it would have been someone else, and perhaps the consequences for them would have been even worse than they were for me.

I sure wish we could go fishing together. How about when we see each other again, we do some serious fishing? As usual, you will watch the bobbers as I watch the birds in the nearby trees. Be sure to tell me if I have a bite!

Your family legacy is one to be proud of. Your grandson has a son of his own now. Your great grandson can carry the family name through another generation. All of your grandchildren have grown up to be fine individuals. You would be so pleased.

I never had my own offspring. God chose me to be one that did not carry that banner in life. Came close once. But she was chosen to not live in this world and instead, live among the angels. I have parented many wonderful furry children that I've adopted over the years however. Being their caretaker has brought me immeasurable joy and love. I am grateful for every one of them and the impact they have had on me. Take care of the ones I can no longer oversee, will you please?

Often times I experience things in my life and wonder why I am the way I am about some of these things. But then, I think of you and realize that I am a living legacy to you. Many of my ways are there because of you - because of the man you were, because of the values you held. Sometimes these "ways" (people close to me call them my idiocyncracies - LOL) drive those who care about me nuts. They wish I wouldn't be that way. They wish I would change. Silly people! I can't change. It is a part of who I am. It's one of those parts of me that remind me so much of you. I have learned to embrace it - guess they better figure that out pretty soon too!

As I've gotten older, I have seen more and more things in my life that remind me of you. Funny how that works. I am 50 now, and have already passed those 47 years you had to be here. Guess I never really thought I would get to that mark. But here I am. I find myself reminded constantly of you now - perhaps cause around this age is when I knew you best.

Thank you for all your gifts to me. Thank you for making me feel safe and for making me want to make others feel safe. Thank you for showing me how to treat women. How to respect and appreciate them and all their gifts. Thank you for giving me a love for animals. Without that I wouldn't know unconditional love. Thank you for showing me the wonders of nature - without that I wouldn't have realized my lifes passion for birding. Thank you for giving me competitiveness, for without it I would not have been able to feed and clothe myself. Thank you for giving me courage, for without that I wouldn't be able to express my butch identity in this world. Thank you for giving me curiosity, without it I would not have found a spiritual center. Thanks for my love of sports. I have been able to travel and experience much through them. Thank you for giving me compassion. Having seen it in you early on has made it a mainstay in my everday living. Thank you for your intelligence. It has given me more opportunities than I probably deserved. But most of all, thank you for you. Thanks for reminding me of who I am everyday of my life.

Happy birthday ole man!